Meet Jo May
Certified Emotion Code Practitioner
Hi, I’m Jo, and thank you for being here. I believe if you are reading this you have a curiosity and desire to make a change in your life.
My intention in my Emotion Code sessions is to create a safe, compassionate and non-judgemental space where we can connect and allow your body to release what it wants to in that moment.
I share a little more about me below, and if who I am and what I do resonates with you, I look forward to connecting.

How I discovered The Emotion Code
When I think about how I discovered The Emotion Code and becoming a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner, three main thoughts arise:-

01 Helping People Feel Better
First, I’ve always wanted to help people “feel better”, even before I had any conscious awareness of what that meant.
02 Release
Second, I didn’t realise for a long time that I needed to learn to support myself before I could support other people in a meaningful way. For a long time my own unconscious trauma and emotional sensitivity prevented me from being able to support other people in the way I passionately wanted to. I also didn’t know how to make myself “feel better”, in fact I was numb to my own feelings for a long time. My own healing journey has been both a challenge and a gift like the best teacher and informs how I support others on their own unique journey. Receiving and conducting Emotion Code sessions on myself has been a huge contributor to my healing as well as to my learning around energy.
03 Changing The Mental Health Label
Lastly, I am passionate about changing the old-paradigm stigma around what has been labelled “mental health”. I believe that feeling sad, anxious or angry is just as valuable as feeling happy. Instead of being taught that these are bad feelings to be got rid of, I believe we would heal more quickly if we learnt to listen to what these feelings are there to tell us. I have experienced and witnessed in countless others how our emotional and physical health are not separate but inseparably connected. Some people struggle more with physical challenges, others with emotional or what we would call “mental health” challenges. I believe whenever we don’t feel balanced or in full health mentally or physically, we have unprocessed emotional energy or what some call “trauma” contributing to these challenges.
One of the biggest experiential learnings to come from the years of yoga, meditation, personal development and other learning I have devoted myself to, is that where there is judgement, there is not love. Without loving acceptance and witnessing of our states of being it is very difficult for healing to occur. So all the years of feeling ashamed of myself for feeling down, anxious or depressed, and seeking to hide these feelings from everyone actually made it much more difficult for me to shift any of this stuck energy. Perhaps this resonates with you?
Our emotions are energy in motion, and they want to be felt, listened to and witnessed, from a space of loving non-judgemental presence. In this environment healing flourishes. In my experience releasing Trapped Emotions using The Emotion Code is an effective way for us to positively transform our relationship with ourselves.

About my journey...
There are so many ways each of us can explain our lives. So many lenses through which we view our reality, and these lenses shift and change as we react (or respond) to the experiences of our lives. How I understand my life’s experiences now comes from a very different place of being than it did 2, 20 or 30 years ago. I hope that sharing a little of my life helps to explain why I love being a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner, and why I believe Muscle Testing and releasing Trapped Emotions are valuable complements to Medical care, as well as to many other therapies.
Always Wanting To Help People
Emotions Were Not Talked About
My "Negative" Feelings
Learning and healing
Who I Am Now
Being a part of healing our planet

We are living in unprecedented times of change. The Old Paradigm and conditioned ways of thinking no longer work. At the level of the individual and collectively we can see shadows surfacing, I believe, to be witnessed and then healed.
Consciousness is rising, and we can either rise with it or suffer increasingly by holding onto our old ways and energies. I see releasing our Trapped Emotions as a powerful way for us to release what is not serving us vibrationally and becoming more authentically who we came here to be.
My children have benefitted from The Emotion Code, and they are learning about their own energy in a way they can choose to manage themselves in the future. I saw big changes in my dog too after I worked with her. I wish I had known about how to shift our energy when I was a child. I pray for all of us to have access to learning how we can move from fear to love with every cell in our bodies.
Together we can heal this world, one heart and Soul at a time.
By learning to live from our hearts and not our heads, I believe we can all fulfil our unique purpose here on this earth at this time. The time is NOW. A new paradigm is emerging.
Are you ready to Release With Love?
“May all beings everywhere be happy and free and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all”