The Emotion Code is a simple and effective way to identify and release Trapped Emotions, using Muscle Testing, or Kinesiology. These Trapped Emotions are located in the subconscious of our physical body.
Dr. Bradley Nelson, was a holistic chiropractor for more than 20 years when he created The Emotion Code. He discovered that his patients’ aches and pains were often more than physical, but also emotional. He coined the phrase “Trapped Emotions” to describe the negative emotional energy that may become trapped in a person’s body during a challenging time.
Here’s how I understand Trapped Emotions:
Everything in the Universe is made of energy. Tables, cars, people, water, trees, sound. And so are Emotions. Like the notes on a piano have different frequencies, emotions are also made of energy. Different emotions have different vibrational frequencies. The Emotion Code gives different labels (words) to different Trapped Emotions, so they can be identified and then released.
Using the Emotion Code we can bring to conscious awareness and then release “negative” emotions that have been vibrating in our subconscious, creating a lack of balance or homeostasis.
The Emotion Code can be used to help you and your pets and can be done remotely from anywhere in the world.
Releasing Trapped Emotions can help the body to ease physical discomfort, overcome emotional distress and negative thinking, conquer self-doubt and more.
Did you know that our mind (or intellect) is only aware of what’s in our conscious mind, not the sub-conscious. So once a Trapped Emotion has been “filed” in the subconscious, our mind does not have a way to access or deal with these Trapped Emotions.
Emotions became “Trapped” in our subconscious because we experienced a highly emotional event which created strong emotions that most of us would term “negative”. So strong that we were unable to process them in the moment. Like a huge feeling of sadness, or anger, or heartache, for example.
Because we were not able to process them in the moment, our conscious mind filed them away in the subconscious. Which is a great self-protection mechanism. A bit like a “too hard basket”. The trouble is, by just leaving them there, they don’t go away, and can create all sorts of challenges for us if left un-processed. And, if we keep on accumulating without releasing these Trapped Emotions, the negative impact on our lives increases.
I believe that the majority of life problems we experience will likely have Trapped Emotions contributing towards its cause and continuation, be it physical or emotional.
This includes:
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The Emotion Code works by the practitioner following these steps:
Once a trapped emotion has been released, it may take a day or two to fully process this release, as the body adjusts to this energy moving out. During this time some people feel tired, or more emotional than usual. Some people do not notice any processing symptoms. This same Trapped Emotion is then gone permanently.
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The Emotion Code system was developed in the U.S. by a long-term holistic Chiropractor named Dr. Bradley Nelson. He discovered that his patients’ aches and pains were often more than physical, but also emotional. He has written a book called The Emotion Code which you can buy online or visit see for more information.
Muscle Testing is also known in some countries as Kinesiology. It is a non-invasive tool that can help us identify imbalances in the body. The science behind it is similar to a lie detector test or polygraph. In a polygraph, a person is hooked up to sensitive electrodes and asked specific questions. The person’s answers generate a certain electrical response in the body, which is read and graphed by the machine to show whether the answers are true or false. This is done on a very delicate, minute scale. The muscles of the body are also affected by this electrical state. Muscle testing is designed to use those effects to show this same kind of response.
The principle is that any muscle becomes weakened in a state of incongruence or falsehood (like a lie on a lie detector test) making resistance difficult. Conversely, muscles remain strong and able to resist when in a state of congruence or truth. Using this principle, muscle testing allows us to access important information about our bodies and the health or blocks to health residing within. We just have to know what questions to ask, apply the resistance to a muscle, and then be able to discern a Yes response from a No response. This takes some practice at first, but then becomes something that is easy to sense.
These are “negative” emotional energies resulting from past events, that we weren’t able to process at the time of the event.
I work directly with the body, not the conscious brain, using muscle testing to seek yes or no answers from the subconscious. As Gabor Maté (physician and trauma expert) says, “the body keeps the score”. Our subconscious contains a far greater proportion of data about us than our conscious does.
Our Trapped Emotions reside in various places in our bodies as invisible vibrating energies of various frequencies. They remain there until we find a way to bring them to our conscious awareness, where energy healing can occur. We can’t release what is in our subconscious using our mind or intellect, because our mind only knows about what is in our conscious awareness.
In the same way that different sounds have different vibrational frequencies, high or low, so do emotions. The emotion of Love, for example, has a very high frequency or vibration, and the vibration of Shame has a very low vibration.
We are all accepting of the notion that eye colour, skin colour, even temperaments or abilities can be passed down from generation to generation. However, what is far less commonly known, is that intense emotions that got lodged in the subconscious can also be passed on down the generations, totally unintentionally (because it’s in the subconscious), sometimes many generations ago. These Inherited Emotions are passed on at the time of conception, so if you have one, you’ve had it all your life.
How amazing is it that we can help reduce Intergenerational Trauma by releasing Inherited Trapped Emotions?
We can create Trapped Emotions at any time in our life for any reason. Including before birth, in utero. Sometimes a person or pet may have Trapped Emotions which are not even theirs. They could have been Inherited (at the time of conception) via an ancestor.
It’s also possible for a person to Absorb strong emotions from someone else, and for these absorbed emotions to then get trapped in the body of an additional person to the one who created the emotion. You probably have experienced yourself occasions of walking into a room and “feeling the mood” of a person or group of people. For example, I recall walking into a church for a funeral one time and was very overwhelmed by all of the emotions that were in the room. Or, I can also recall being a participant in a room of exceptionally focussed people in meditation or yoga practice, and feeling noticeably lifted, motivated and connected to the very positive energy of the group.
If we want to, or the body requires us to, we can use Muscle Testing (Kinesiology) to determine when each Trapped Emotion was created. Often we don’t need to, we just want to release and move on.
Each person will experience their improvements differently. Releasing Trapped Emotions can help us:
This modality works well with other modalities, like Chiropractic, Talk Therapies of all kinds, Acupuncture, Massage, Physiotherapy and so many more. It also supports the regular ‘inner work’ many people are doing, including yoga, meditation and reiki.
Any therapeutic system that requires presence, attention and intention will bring forth answers and the potential for energy healing from the body. And the more we learn to listen to our bodies, we can move through healing at a pace our bodies (and specifically our nervous systems) can handle. This moves us steadily towards a more regulated nervous system, which leads to enhanced emotional regulation.
The clearer our energy is, the more we experience an increased awareness and respect or awe for the interconnectedness of every one of us, and everything. Everything is energy and none of us is separate.
Here’s an overview of a typical session:
During a session we choose a particular issue to focus on, but it’s up to the body to decide what it wants to release. We only release what the body is willing and able to release in that moment.
Sessions follow the same format for children and animals as well as adults, although I discuss the Intention for the session with the responsible adult when working with a child or animal.
After the session you may feel tired during next 24-48 hours or so, or more emotional than usual, as processing and releasing occurs. Or you may notice nothing unusual. I will encourage you to drink water and to do some gentle grounding movement like walking.
A Heart-Wall is a term created by Dr Bradley Nelson (creator of The Emotion Code) to describe the energetic barrier that the subconscious mind constructs around the heart as a protective measure after experiencing deep hurt, grief, loss or heartache. It is made up of layers of trapped emotions which can be added to over time, making the Heart Wall thicker and thicker.
Although the body creates this barrier as a protective and seemingly helpful barrier at first, ultimately it can block the heart from giving and receiving love fully, and it can reduce creative potential in all aspects of life.
We all know that the brain communicates with the rest of the body. What is less commonly appreciated is that the Heart communicates as much if not more than the brain. We actually have 3 major communication centres in our body: our brain, our heart and our gut. If the Heart has many layers of trapped emotions it is not able to communicate clearly to the rest of the body or receive messages as clearly as if that Heart Wall was not there.
A Heart Wall can also cause one to attract more negativity than if we didn’t have a Heart Wall, because of the conglomeration of negative vibrating energies. This is because similar vibrations attract similar vibrations. A Heart Wall can contribute to physical and mental illness. Dr. Nelson estimates that over 90% of people have a Heart Wall. Many animals also have a Heart Wall. Releasing the Heart wall can have a far reaching positive impact on our lives.
Please see our Services page for our Heart-Wall package inclusions.
Yes. Exactly the same way as for humans.
I work with pets with great results. I worked on my puppy Bailey and saw a huge shift in her way of being. For example, I learnt that my puppy experienced huge emotion when separated from her Mother, at 6 weeks old. And it is a big emotional challenge moving from birth home to new home with humans at such a young age.
Many animals can develop anxious feelings, or fears, or show aggression due to fear, and this is sometimes because of some traumatic event that was so overwhelming it got stuck in the subconscious and is still there. Having surgery such as de-sexing is another common procedure undertaken by family pets which can often be traumatic for them, just like as humans it is a big deal. In addition, animals can be born with Inherited Trapped Emotions, just like humans. Animals are also very sensitive and can absorb strong emotions from their human family, creating one or more ‘Absorbed Trapped Emotions’.
It depends.
It’s a bit like trying to answer the question “how long is a piece of string?”
There is no one answer to this question. It depends on how many issues or goals you wish to work on, and also on the volume of Trapped Emotions you have which relate to the issue we work on together.
Some issues can be fully released in one session, others take multiple sessions. And you may have many topics you wish to work on. For example, you may have a sore lower back, but also frequent feelings of anxiety or low mood, maybe more.
Please see our Services page for the length of each Emotion Code session.
Please see our Services page for the pricing of each Emotion Code session.
Please see our Services page to make online bookings for our various Emotion Code services.
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